

Executive Engineer

- Sri. M. Ramachandran

Asst. Executive Engineer

- Sri. D. Rajavel

Assistant Engineer

- Sri. A. Sivakumar

Rain Water Harvesting
  • Deepening of lake (increase in storage capacity from 80,000 m3 to 160,000 m3).
  • Rooftop water collected to wells in the hostel zone is used to run the R/O plants.
  • Rooftop water collected in sumps (24 x 20 m3) is used for flushing toilets.
  • Rooftop water collected from Ocean Engineering department is used to fill the wave basin.
  • Recharge soak pits to raise the ground after level.
  • The underground sewage system is available in the campus.
  • All the sewer line and drainage line were connected to the underground sewage system through gully, inspection chamber and man holes.
  • Periodical cleaning was done to avoid blockage in the sewer line.
  • Inspection chamber was covered with SFRC (Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete) air tight cover to curtain smell and to avoid any breakage and theft.
  • The man holes were also covered with SFRC airtight cover.
  • Covered drainage lines were provided in the campus.
  • The sewage and drainage water reaches the lagoon.
  • The sewage water from the lagoon will be treated by the sewage treatment plant.
  • The treated sewage water will be reused for gardening and flushing for toilets in the hostels.